REGISTRATION: Registration for January 2025 classes begins November 25
Cornerstone Christian Homeschool Cooperative
Parent Information
We want our parents to be fully equipped with the information they need to help make each school year a success!
Statement of Faith
At CCHC we believe we can best serve each other as a community when we all agree to a common set of beliefs. We ask all members of CCHC to sign and turn in this statement of faith as a way of declaring our shared beliefs.
Medical Form
A medical form for each child who is attending CCHC needs to be completed and turned into the CCHC secretary before the first day of classes. Any allergies will be communicated to the students' teachers.
Academic Agreement
All students taking 7th-12th grade classes must read, agree to, and sign the Academic Agreement. We also ask that the parent/ guardian sign the agreement as well.
Important Dates
First Day of Fall
Semester 2024
Monday, September 9
First Day of Spring Semester 2025
Monday, January 27
Fall Break
Monday, October 14
Spring Break
Monday, March 3
Tentative Last Day of
Fall Semester
Christmas Program
Monday, December 2
Tentative Last Day of
Spring Semester
Highlights Program
Monday, April 21